Friday, March 21, 2008

You Make My Day Award

I opened my email this morning and look what I found. This is so fun! Now I've got to tell you about the sweet lady who gave me this award. And let me just say, she's made my day many times herself. Lauren Nwachukwu is an awesome designer and instructor. Every now and then I come across people on the internet who just amaze me with their beautiful art. Lauren is one of those. So when I found her blog, I wrote her an email, and surprise of all surprises, she wrote me back...MADE MY DAY. Since that time we have emailed and talked on the phone, she has given me wonderful encouragement and advice just when I needed it most. So, thanks so much make my day too, you really do.

So, here are the rules for the “You Make My Day” award:

Re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.

Here are some ladies whose blogs I visit on a regular basis, they inspire me in many different ways. Some with their faith and life choices, some artistically, and by the way they share their lives through blogging. I couldn't figure out how to put the links in here the way that I wanted to, so what you see is what you get:

Missy (my sister-in-law) -
Nicole (old friend) -
Lauren (provides artistic encouragement, just an all around great person) -

now for some more that I am going to give you links for, here are some blogs that I visit all the time and I love, but I don't personally know these ladies, so I won't make them play this little game. These are wonderfully inspiring blogs:

Robin Beam -
Wendi Vecchi -
Linda Cain -
Debbie Olson -
Anna Wight -
Caroline -
Deb -

So thanks to each of you ladies, whether you know it or not, you inspire me on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing your lives with the world through your blogs.

Spring break has officially started, so with all of our exciting plans, I may not be back to blog much this week, but I will be back to blogging before you know it. So to those of you who get a spring break...enjoy, and I will catch you up on my life later.

Have a wonderful Easter remembering Jesus' love for us!


Linda M. Cain said...

dThanks you for the award. I am only happy to inspire well!

SweetMissDaisy (Anna Wight) said...

Hello Valonda! Thank you so much for listing me with the other wonderful bloggers who inspire you, and "make your day"! This is a real treat for me! Thank you!! =) By the way, I lived in Oregon for about 16 years. 6 of those years in LaGrande, and 10 in Eugene. I sure miss it! Be happy and well ... and Easter Blessings to you. -Anna.

Anonymous said...

You are very welcome.

If you only knew how many times you have made my heart sing.
